Alcohol and Aging: How Much Should I Drink?

Alcohol and Smoking on AgingIn the previous article in this series, we looked at how different styles of dietary restriction extend lifespan in animals. There is compelling evidence that adopting such eating patterns can improve biomarkers associated with aging and overall health. And it appears likely that these regimens would extend both lifespan and healthspan in humans. But it’s not all about food (or the lack thereof). In this blog we’ll explore two important questions: First, how does smoking influence aging? Second, what about alcohol and aging?


Smoking and aging

Just about every single person reading this blog already probably knows that smoking isn’t good for you, so there’s no need to spend too much time belaboring the obvious. Smokers develop lung cancer up to 25 times as frequently as their non-smoking counterparts. They also are at much greater risk for coronary artery disease and stroke – the major killers of the industrialized world. Smoking remains a significant cause of morbidity and premature mortality, and in that respect, it is clearly not a wise choice for those who seek to prolong life and optimize their health.

But smoking may also influence biological aging in a very direct way, and that is what’s new and interesting here. A study by Robert Philibert and colleagues examined the effects of various types of environmental exposure – including cigarette smoke – on epigenetics, which is a process that influences when or how strongly our genes are expressed. DNA methylation is an epigenetic process in which methyl group is added to a gene, mostly to suppress transcription (i.e., production) of new proteins. Prior research has shown that patterns of DNA methylation shift in predictable ways as people age. Some of these changes are associated with age-related pathology – for example, hypermethylation of the genes for estrogen receptors. The Philibert lab had also identified two specific locations in the human genome in which methylation levels characteristically change in response to alcohol and tobacco. This change occurs so reliably that measurement of said methylation levels was found to be a better measure of smoking and alcohol consumption than users’ own self-reported estimates.

The group studied the effects of these substances on biological aging by measuring patterns of DNA methylation throughout the genome, as a sort of epigenetic “clock” that can be used to estimate the biological age of organisms. Perhaps unsurprisingly, they found that smoking was associated with significant premature aging. Importantly, they found that any level of exposure to smoking is associated with significant premature aging – even light or infrequent smoking has detrimental effects. This is generally supported by other prior research, which has shown that occasional smoking carries significant health risks.

Smoking remains the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. It appears unlikely that any dose of smoking is beneficial, so avoiding it outright is pretty much a no-brainer. Examining the effects of consuming alcohol, however, is a bit less straightforward. 


Alcohol and aging

The research on alcohol and its effects on long-term health in humans can appear confusing and seemingly paradoxical. Conventional health organizations recommend moderate drinking – if you drink at all – due to potential beneficial effects for cardiometabolic health. On the other hand, they do not encourage teetotalers to start drinking, on account of the possible risks associated with alcohol consumption.

One basic principle of toxicology to keep in mind is “the dose makes the poison.” This applies to literally all chemicals – including vitamins and minerals that are essential to our survival. Even water can become toxic when too much is absorbed into the body. So, whether or not a substance can be characterized as a toxin is not a simple question. It depends upon the dose, as well as the duration of exposure. Epidemiology and basic science have suggested that alcohol can actually be beneficial to health and longevity – however only in the right amounts. Ethanol appears to work its magic by improving insulin sensitivity and lipid profiles. But these benefits are largely lost in the context of heavy drinking.Alcohol - 1 DrinkCurrent scientific consensus supports relatively low doses for best results: 2 drinks per day for men, and 1 drink per day for women. Above is what a standard “drink” looks like – depending on your beverage of choice. (source:

The study from the Philibert lab that we discussed earlier appears to support this target level of alcohol consumption as well, specifically with respect to biological aging. They found that moderate alcohol use – around one to two drinks per day – was correlated with an optimal aging rate, as discerned by methylation patterns. Meanwhile, both lower (<1 drink per day on average) and high consumption (greater than 2 drinks per day on average) were linked to accelerated aging.

Other researchers have confirmed the effects of excessive alcohol consumption on the aging process via other molecular methods. Heavy alcohol use (defined as four drinks per day or more) has measurable effects on telomeres, which protect strands of DNA from deteriorating or sticking to each other. Telomeres get a little bit shorter every time that a cell divides. When they finally become too short, the cell dies. And as people age, telomeres tend to decrease in length. Thus, telomere length, like methylation patterns, can serve as a reasonable proxy for biological age. You can actually get your telomere length tested. Here is one place you can get it checked.

Here is a fun 6 min video by Varitasium in which telomeres are described in more detail (and other interesting aspects of aging are discussed, too!).


One study discovered that excessive alcohol can accelerate telomere shortening – and quite dramatically. In some subjects, telomere length was found to be just half as long as telomere length in non-abusing counterparts. So, it is clear that the consequences of excessive alcohol consumption must also be weighed, especially in light of the potential risk for addiction and abuse in susceptible individuals.


What is the relationship between consumption of alcohol and aging? Check out this blog for more! Click To Tweet


The literature has demonstrated overwhelmingly that smoking is detrimental to health and accelerates biological aging, seemingly at any dose. Unlike smoking, the relationship between alcohol and aging is not linear but inverse J-shaped (i.e, a little is better than none, and a little is also better than too much). Epidemiological and biochemical evidence has long suggested that moderate amounts of alcohol may confer benefits to health and lifespan. DNA methylation indices, as measured by the Philibert lab, also appear to support this finding. Certainly, in the near future, we will see more research connecting aspects of lifestyle with methylation patterns predictive of biological aging. For now, to age well, don’t smoke but raise a glass, just not three.



Beach SR, Dogan MV, Lei MK, et al. Methylomic Aging as a Window onto the Influence of Lifestyle: Tobacco and Alcohol Use Alter the Rate of Biological Aging. 2015. J Am Geriatr Soc. doi: 10.1111/jgs.13830.

Gonzalo S. Epigenetic alterations in aging. 2010. J Appl Physiol 109: 586–597.

O’Keefe JH, Bybee KA, Lavie CJ. Alcohol and cardiovascular health: the razor-sharp double-edged sword. 2007. J Am Coll Cardiol 50: 1009–1014.

Pavanello S, Hoxha M, Dioni L, et al. Shortened telomeres in individuals with abuse in alcohol consumption. 2011. Int J Cancer 129: 983–992.

Schane RE, Ling PM, Glantz SA. Health effects of light and intermittent smoking. 2010. Circulation 121: 1518–1522. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.109.904235.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Health Consequences of Smoking—50 Years of Progress: A Report of the Surgeon General. Atlanta: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health, 2014.

Published by Dan Pardi

is passionate about food, movement, and sleep. Interested in developing low-cost, high value health solutions. Also interested in anthropology, evolutionary biology, exercise and inactivity physiology, cognition, neuroeconomics, decision making, circadian biology, epistemology, gastronomy, food culture and politics, agriculture, sustainable practices, and dogs. Activities include mountain biking, CrossFit, hiking, dancing, and long walks with my headphones.

7 replies on “Alcohol and Aging: How Much Should I Drink?”

  1. OK, the telomere aging test blew me away! Any thoughts on the reliability of the test? Hopefully over time this kind of data will be made available at lower and lower cost to the consumer (it could be a huge wake up call to someone).

    I’ve also wondered if the epigenetics of DNA methylation are passed down from mother to child. For example, a mother who is experiencing methylation of certain genes during early pregnancy imprints some of those patterns on the unborn child (including a “burden” of early aging). If so, yet another reason to avoid smoking!

  2. The comment on the telomeres is interesting too, but I am a little bit skeptical 🙂 What research is finding is that everyone has different telomere lengths, and that its not the size of the telomeres that determines someone’s age but the “delta” from what they length they started (both absolute delta and also delta change as percentage of total length). They noticed too that having super long telomeres (so far) does not mean someone is aging well or that that person will live longer than everyone else; they found average lifespans for these folks as well and that delta of telomere length (affected by stress, diet, sleep quality, etc.) was more predictable factor.

    It’s interesting because you have advocates out there too for TA-65 Telomerase activator ( taken from Ashwaganda extract I think, that supposedly increases telomere length. Again we are starting to see if this is at all beneficial for slowing the aging process or if other things affect the telomere delta more-so than a supplement that specifically acts on them at cellular level.

    Caloric restriction (and methionine restriction) along with intermittent fasting and extended fasting (36+ hour) definitely help from what I’ve read to control a healthy stress response and regulate insulin levels, etc. Metformin is showing great promise too even for those with normal HgbA1c levels and not pre-diabetic for increasing lifespan by inhibiting MTOR indirectly through the liver pathway (rather than Rapamycin (Sirolimus) which will inhibit MTOR directly but has downside of being a potent immunosuppresant…)

    If this article could be updated with some of this new research insight that would be great!

    1. Hi @seandevin:disqus, thanks for the informative comment. I think your additions about telomeres are valuable. Also, interesting site you posted → Do you work for them? Regarding the other topics mentioned, I have other posts on most of the issues so I’ll keep that information separate, but definitely check out those posts, too:

      1. Hi Dan, Thanks! Unfortunately I don’t work for revgenetics (it might be less than ideal that I was indirectly slandering their TA-65 product in my comment above which is exorbitantly expensive and we don’t even know if it works from what I’ve read… ;). They have some good products though, namely their metacurcumin which I can vouch for (I actually drink an activated turmeric shot from that I quite enjoy instead).

        Will def take a gander at some of those articles, love your blog thus far having joined about a week ago as it has some refreshing insight as to the state of health and medicine in today’s society.

        1. Hey @seandevin:disqus, yeah I asked because I hadn’t heard of revgenetics before but I’m impressed by their site. They’re deep in aging and it’s nice to see that level of subject knowledge in people selling solutions. I also haven’t heard of BeSynchro but I’ll check it out.

          Glad you’re enjoying the site. We launched a few weeks ago and are creating many more peer-reviewed courses for the system. Nice to have you in the community. Input, thoughts, reactions are always welcome. Email me at support at anytime!

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